Our Charter on development

1. Enhancing biodiversity

Appropriate development and maintenance of the land to enhance both Flora and Fauna.

This commitment extends to the protection of endangered species and the management of the area to encourage the growth of indigenous flora with emphasis on endangered varieties.

This applies in areas of intense farming to mitigate the decline in hedgerows and such like. Equally to brown field sites that would otherwise be of limited value to the biodiversity in the surrounding area.

2. Mitigate visual impact

All types of construction can raise many concerns regarding visual impact. We undertake to effectively screen the development with a particular emphasis on dwellings closest to the site boundary.

The appropriate screening will be applied and managed on an ongoing basis.

In conservation areas we will ensure that the site does not impact on the area as a whole and screen using appropriate indigenous (to that area) plantings to blend into the surrounding landscape.

3. Community engagement

We will consult with the local community ahead of planning and take into account issues raised in an open and constructive way.

Appropriate community benefits will be included that enhance the sense of community and generate a real long term benefit in close partnership with the appropriate community representatives.

We will encourage the local community to appoint a committee of interested parties to engage with us throughout the planning and construction stages.


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Environmental Policy

To read Environmental Statement, click here >


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How to find us

EcoDev Group Ltd

Overross House
Ross Park
United Kingdom
01989 569160